Kamis, 12 Juni 2014

Parallel Conjuctions

1. (Both...and...)
a. Marsya likes both Coffe and Milk
(Marsya suka kedua-duanya baik kopi dan susu)
b. Both Amza and Alif were going to the Museum
(Baik Amza dan Siti akan pergi ke Museum)
c. She can both Singing And Dance
(Dia dapat Bernyanyi dan Menari)
2. (Neither...nor...)
a. Neither Raffa nor Rendra is Coward
(Tidak Raffa atau Rendra adalah penakut)
b. The man is neither smart  intellegent
(Pria itu tidak pintar dan rajin)
c. Neither Budi, Brother nor any idea what he’s
(Baik Budi, Saudaranya tidak mempunyai ide)
3. (Either...or...)
a. Either Tia or his father is Teacher
( baik Tia ataupun Ayahnya adalah Guru)
b. Either  Sikha or her mother is going to go to the Zoo
(Baik Sikha ataupun Yahnya akan pergi ke kebun binatang)
c. Either Jhon or sindi were  going to the Zoo
(Baik jhon ataupun Sindi akan pergi ke kebun binatang)
4. (Not Only...but...)
a. He likes not only singing but also Dance
(Dia tidak hanya menyukai bernyanyi tapi juga menari)
b. A time not for words, but for action
(waktu tidak untuk kata-kata tetapi tindakan)
c. Jhon is not only teacher but also his Police
(Jhon tidak hanya seorang guru tetapi juga seorang polisi)

Surat lamaran pekerjaan

Bogor, 12 June 2014
To :
Jl. Jenderal  Sudirman Street Kav.167
Bogor Utara

Dear /Madam
I know that PT. TEGAR BERIMAN is one the biggest retai Product distributor in Indonesia, and I am sure it would be an excellent career opportunity to join and work for thisrespective company.
I am Twenty two years old and in good health condition. I was graduated  from Management of Faculty Economic Gunadarma University, Depok in 2012 with GPA 3,35. My Scholastic record is statisfactory and also skilled at Management Duties. I am be able to Use English both oral and written, computer literate, able to use MS Office package such as MS Excel, MS Word, MS Power Point, MS Outlook and  Internet.
I am Interested  to contribute in your company because there is a rapid increase of the company in recent years. With the experience I have, I Feel able to get the position and help the company to achieve a higher profit.
I hope my qualification and experiences merit to your consideration.When can we set up an Interview? I may be reached at 021 466-xxxx
Thank you for kind attention, and I am lookking forward to your reply.


Nia Widiawati