Senin, 31 Maret 2014

Management Article

Management Article

Management was adopted from English, namely, managing the means to lead and make decisions, and that French language, which means the art menagement implement and manage. Management does not yet have a standard understanding and universally accepted. Some understanding or definition of management according to some versions are as follows:
Definition of management according to the oxford dictionary :
Management is the control and decision-making in the company or similar organization. In the management control process should involve in the activities of a company or organization as well as art requires courage and take a decision.
Definition of management by Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) :
Management is the effective use of resources to achieve the objectives of the company or organization with.
When we study the management literature, it will be found that the term management contains three terms: first, management as a process, secondly, the management as a collectivity of people who perform management activities, and third, the management as an art and as a science.
According to the first sense, the management as a process, the different definitions given by experts. To show the definition of the color management system according to the first sense, we point out three definitions. In Encyclopaedia of the Social Science said that management is a process by which the implementation of an organized and supervised a particular purpose.
Furthermore, Haimann said that management is the function to achieve something through the activities of others and oversee the efforts of individuals to achieve a common goal. Finally, George R. Terry in his book "Principles Of manjemen" defines that: "Management is a process that distinguishes the planning, organizing, implementing, and monitoring by utilizing both a science and an art that can accomplish a predetermined goal" . Which according to George R. Terry that the concept of management is the attainment of the objectives set in advance by the utilization of human resources and other resources. When we look at the three definitions above, it will be immediately apparent that there are three important points in these definitions: first, the presence of the objectives to be achieved, secondly, the goal is achieved by means of the activities of others, and third, the activities of others it must be guided and supervised. "In the second sense, management is a collectivity of people who perform management activities. So in other words, all those who perform management activities in a particular entity is called management. singular in the sense of (single), called the manager. manager is responsible officials for the implementation of management activities in order to achieve the purpose of the unit he leads with the help of others.
What is the management activity? Management activities in question are the activities or functions performed by each manager. In general, the activities of the manager and the manager's activities are planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. This is often referred to as process management, management functions, and some even call management elements.
According to the third sense, management is the art or a science. On this matter there is no uniformity of opinion indeed, a party says that it is the art of management, other groups say that management is a science. Indeed the same second that opinion contains truth. Chester I Barnard in his book The Function of the Executive, management recognizes that it is "art" and also as "science". Similarly, Henry Fayol, Alfin Brown Harold Koontz, Cyril O'Donnell, and George R. Terry assumed that management is a science and an art.
Management as art works to achieve the goals that bring tangible results or benefits, while the functions of management as a science explain the phenomena (symptoms), the events, circumstances, so give explanations.
My Opinion :
Management is seen as a discipline that teaches about the process for obtaining organizational goals through a joint venture with a person or organization belonging to the source. management must be flexible, in the sense that it needs to be considered in accordance with the specific conditions and circumstances change.
in order to achieve the goal, then it must be the presence of management functions are the basic elements that will always be there and inherent in the management process that will be used as a reference by managers in carrying out activities to achieve the goal.
To achieve its goals the tools necessary means to achieve the results set. In management, the human factor is the most decisive. Humans are made of human purpose and also that the process to achieve the goal. There is no human being without work process, because humans are basically working. Therefore, management arises because of the people who work together to achieve goals.

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