Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

karangan bebas


There was once little flower who thought she was very important. Certainly, she was very blooming, beautiful, and Gorgeous. She Felt proud of himself, but she was alone. She was very grumpy, No one wants to be friends with the flower.
 His Morning, there is a bee that is looking for Honey, he very hungry. Suddenly, He saw a flower blooming, beautiful, and Gorgeous. Then he approached and invited talk. But what happened?
 The flower thought, “Please, Don't come here” and bee asked, “I am hungry, I want to suck honey”
The flower then shouted angrily, “Hello little, I don’t care what you say,”. And bee asked, “this is neither what i want nor what i mean” “I just want the honey to relieve my thirst” bee continue.
Finally, bee go by very hungry.  The flower laughed and Said “look elsewhere, you will not find it. You’re dead!”
Next day, the flower seen a bee lying. She brust into tears. Said in his heart, “This is all my fault? I did’nt give honey, so he was hungry?”. Finally, The flower regretted his action and she also joined in the attack died from other bees who want to suck the honey.

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