Minggu, 06 Juli 2014



There was once a little fly who thought he was very important. He felt proud of himself. One Sunny morning. He flew around looking for someone to talk to. He saw a bull grazing in a field. He decided to fly down to talk to him.
The little fly flew down and buzzed around the bull’s head. The bull did not bother him. He went on chewing grass.
The fly then buzzed right inside the bull’s ear. The bull continued chewing grass. The fly thought, ‘’what a stupid animal!”
Now the fly decided to land one of the bull’s horns to make the bull notice him. he waited for the bull to say Something, but the bulll kept quiet.  
The fly then shouted angrily, “Oh, bull, if you find that I am too heavy for you, let me know and I’ll fly away!”
The bull laughed and said, “Little fly, I don’t care if you stay or leave. You are so tiny that your weight does not make any difference to me, so please be quiet and leave me alone.”

Question (5w+1H)
1. What is the message of the story?
2. Where did story happen?
3. When did story happen?
4. Why fly are important with the bull?
5. Who were involved in the story?
6. How did he overcome his problem?

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